Category: The E-Guidebook

Contains all there is to know about the deck.

19 The Sun XIV

Meaning: true joy, happiness, wish come true, Divine protection, unconditional love, true love, good news, excitement, innocence, purity, fun, celebration, blessings coming your way, happy family, patience, worth the wait, disappointment

The Sun (XIV) is the card of perfection. When this card comes up in its light aspect, you can drop all your worries. The Sun dispels all negativity, blockage, and issues. Wonderful things are on their way! Your prayers have been heard and you are protected. You are loved. Even in its shadow aspect, The Sun showing up is a reminder that there is a light at the end of the tunnel close by, it just might take more time and a little more patience until you get there. The Sun is a card of Hope.

“The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world’s joy.” – Henry Ward Beecher

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20 Judgment XX

Final card may differ. Watermark will be removed.

Meaning: reckoning, awakening, settlement, forgiveness, resurrection, redemption, rebirth, renewal, transformation, judgment, truth, calling, resistance, hopelessness, confusion, stagnation

Judgment (XX) can be good or bad, depending on your role in the situation. When the Judgment card comes up, it means that a period is ending to make way for something new to emerge—however, that might mean the need to accept something reluctantly. It may mean accepting temporary loss or defeat and moving forward from any uncomfortable feelings associated and moving forward with a clear mind and open heart. Akin to ‘karma’, Judgment tells the innocent and pure-hearted that reckoning and redemption is here.

“There is a time of reckoning in all of our lives.” – Laura Luft

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21 The World XXI

Final card may differ.

Meaning: progress, success, ascension, growth, leveling up, beginning a new cycle, ending of a cycle, travel, the physical world, 3d, maturation, indicator of major and imminent change, completion, wholeness,  belonging, achievement, stagnation, fear of failure, lack of success, lack of achievement, not tangible, lack of information

The World (XXI) comes up when success has been achieved or is close. Whenever I get this card, a sense of relief and a release of tension overcomes me. In its light aspect, The World shows that the querent is on the right path—they are maturing, leveling up, and gaining both knowledge and wisdom. The journey may have been difficult at times, but you have fought, and you are doing great. With The World, all types of success are more possible than ever. If The World shows up in a reading, it is a good time to seize opportunities that intrigue you. You. Are. A. Badass. Congratulations and keep it up.

“Without failure there is no achievement.” – John C. Maxwell

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The Ring💍

Meaning: marriage, engagement, romantic or business commitment

When The Ring comes up in a reading, it means that some sort of commitment is either occurring or in question. Look at the surrounding cards to determine what The Ring pertains to.

For example, next to The Man or The Woman, The Ring means either the man or woman is getting engaged/married or wants to be, depending on who the querent is, their question, and who they are attracted to. It could also mean someone who is married or engaged. It really depends on the question. If I had asked, “Is this person and I compatible?” and The Man shows up next to The Ring, it could definitely be a message of compatibility, as if to say the man in question is marriage material. Read more