Category: The E-Guidebook

Contains all there is to know about the deck.

8 Strength VIII

Meaning: courage, resilience, standing your ground, patience, strength, control, compassion, pushing through hard-ships, weathering through storms, weakness, self-doubt, running away from problems, lack of discipline

Strength (VIII) is about standing your ground during the storms of life — whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual storms. When the Strength card comes up in a reading, it calls for resilience and patience or sheds light on the ways we are not exhibiting these characteristics which can be a detriment to our overall well-being. If we don’t push through when things get tough, we will be thrown off balance and continue on a path of hopelessness and impotence.

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeves

“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.” – Abraham Lincoln 

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9 The Hermit IX

Meaning: soul searching, solitude, inner journey, self-care, self-reflection, meditation, psychology, psychoanalysis, logotherapy, initiation, introspection, inner guidance, seeker, isolation, loneliness, withdrawal, lack of self-knowledge, fear of being alone, anti-social

The Hermit (IX) is a card of solitude — it is all about our inner world and the journey we take to get to know ourselves and gain self-understanding. While having a supportive and loving community is important, there are some things that only truly being in solitude can teach us. Depending on the question, if The Hermit card comes up, the answer will surely have something to do with the inner world.

“The best thinking has been done in solitude.” – Thomas Edison

“Solitude helps you find peace. Peace helps you find happiness.” – Maxime Lagacé  Read more

10 Wheel of Fortune X

Meaning: good luck, life cycles, karma, destiny, change of luck, turning point, seasons, timing, change, ups and downs, rollercoaster of life, bad luck, external forces, delays, lack of control, impatience, setbacks

The Wheel of Fortune (X) is a change of fate. When this card comes up in a negative reading or during a negative period in the querent’s life, it is a great sign foretelling of an eventual, if not immediate, change of luck. You might’ve heard of the saying, “time heals all wounds.” In a way, this is the message of The Wheel of Fortune. When it shows up, our angels seem to nod to us, urging us to have faith that this period we are going through has a purpose and that its outcome is most definitely a good one.

“I am realistic – I expect miracles.” – Wayne Dyer 

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11 Justice XI

Meaning: justice, karma, security, equality, protection, court cases, litigation, contracts, law, law and order, commitments, getting what you deserve, the truth coming out, call for justice

Justice (XI) is a card of vindication, both literally and abstractly. It is a card of Karma. When the Justice card comes up, there is a sense of balancing that happens. What needs to be righted is. Wherever there is injustice, rest assured, the perpetrators will pay the consequences. It’s a message that says, God or the Universe, hears the prayers and cries of those in need and is not unnoticed. Read more

12 Hanged Man XII

Meaning: waiting, waiting for the right moment or opportunity, observation, contemplation, meditation, thinking before acting, deep thought, uncertainty, spiritual development, relaxation, laziness, being “hung up” on something, the moment right before acting or making a decision

The Hanged Man (XII) generally speaking, is a card of deep contemplation or waiting for the right moment or opportunity. The Hanged Man is also often read as a card of spiritual development because when we contemplate ourselves and our lives in a real way, we often come out of it with a better understanding of where to go or what we need to do, and why. But, as I’m sure you know, sometimes we can think too much. If you suspect that might be the case, it’s important to look at the surrounding cards to determine the advice and whether or not the querent is making excuses or putting something off as to not deal with things.

“What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.” – Meister Eckhart Read more

13 Death XIII

Final card may differ slightly.

Meaning: endings, death, new beginnings, transformation, transition, temporary sadness, change, releasing what is no longer necessary, coming into oneself, death of old self

Death (XIII) can seem like a scary card, I know. But, it actually doesn’t mean literal death, at least most of the time. You and I both know that death is real, and it’s going to happen to mortal beings like you and me when our time is up. But, it’s still a touchy topic. I get it.

I love the idea of comparing death to plants or flowers. At the end of its life cycle, when a plant or flower wilts, it simply goes back into the soil to nourish the plant or can degrade into a seed and germinate, creating new life. That is exactly what’s happening on some level when the Death card comes up. Whether it’s a friendship, a relationship, or a part of ourselves that has run its course, the change that comes of it, as hard as it seems in the beginning, always leads to where we are meant to be. The only constant in life is change.

“Endings are not always bad. Most times they’re just beginnings in disguise.” – Kim Harrison

“Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” – Rumi 

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14 Temperance XIV

 Meaning: balance, moderation, self-restraint, self-control, patience, purpose, consciousness, awareness, intent, healing, excess, unbalance, discipline, need for change, overlooking certain important things, bad habits

Temperance (XIV) is a card of moderation and patience. When this card shows up, it’s telling you to wait, get back to center, or ask yourself if the way you are thinking or approaching something is helping or hurting you. If, for instance, you are asking a question of whether or not you are going to get the job, Temperance begs the question of whether this job is truly aligned with your higher goals or if you are actually prepared for the responsibilities it would entail. Are you being too eager or expecting too much of something without giving much effort?

“Abstinence is the surety of temperance.” – Plato

“The virtue of prosperity is temperance; the virtue of adversity is fortitude.” -Francis Bacon

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15 The Devil XV

Meaning: strong desire, pleasure, hedonism, manipulation, fear, deceit, sin, evil, obsession, dependence, temptation, extremes, insecurity, unhealthy bonds, destructive behavior, and thinking, cruelty, addiction, control, abuse, narcissism

The Devil (XV) card represents the things in life that most people would consider ‘unhealthy’ or ‘taboo’ in some way. Things like obsessive thought, jealousy, deceit, mind-games, and more, fall under The Devil card. Whenever The Devil card comes up, it is a message that there is some bond between individuals or aspects in situations that may be detrimental and/or not associated with healthy emotions, such as love, joy, or faith.

“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” – Saint Augustine

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16 The Tower XVI

Meaning: abrupt change, surprises, new foundations, unexpected event, liberation, natural disasters, chaos, destruction, eye-opening development, loss, trauma, resisting change, delaying the inevitable

The Tower (XVI) represents the abrupt changes and occurrences that happen in our lives. The 2020 pandemic, for example, was a ‘Tower moment’ for all of us affected by it (everyone in the modern world, I assume). 9/11 was also a ‘Tower moment.’ For those that experience hurricanes or blizzards that put a stop to normal life, plans, and destroys properties, extreme weather may also be ‘Tower moments.’ However, Tower moments don’t just mean external disasters—The Tower can also mean both positive and negative unforeseen personal changes that happen or have already happened, like a job promotion, a new job opportunity, a health issue/injury, a new love, a breakup, or finding out your “best friend” was talking badly about you behind your back. These are Tower moments too.

“It is strange, but true, that the most important turning-points of life often come at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways.” – Napoleon Hill

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17 The Star XVII

Meaning: Hope, renewal, youth, Truth, contentment, beauty, healing, serenity, wishes fulfilled, dreams coming true, improvements in health, lack of inspiration, jealousy, monotony, boredom, hopelessness, despair, lack of inspiration

The Star (XVII) is a beautiful card of Hope. When it shows up in a reading, it is a positive confirmation of something. Rest your worries when this card shows up in its light aspect, because there is hope on the horizon. It is a card of calmness, peace, confidence, and a release of tension. It is also a card of Aquarius, as all Major Arcana cards have corresponding astrological associations. Read more about that here.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” – Jeremiah 29:11

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18 The Moon XVIII

Final card will be slighlty different.

Meaning: mystery, the Unknown, moon cycles, seasons, the truth will be revealed, desire, intrigue, sensuality, attraction, illusion, taboo, signs and symbols, subconscious, not to be known now, the hidden, instinct, dreams, deception, fear, the night

The Moon (XVIII) is the card of the Unknown. It’s a card of intrigue and wonder—a card of Mystery. When The Moon shows up, it could mean that what you are asking is not to be known, at least not yet. It is also a card of dreams, signs, and symbols, so pay attention to any standout dreams and symbols in your experience. As always with any card, trust your gut on the message of The Moon, because the surrounding cards play on its interpretations.

“If you strive for the moon, maybe you’ll get over the fence.” – James Woods

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” – Buddha