Meaning: marriage, engagement, romantic or business commitment
When The Ring comes up in a reading, it means that some sort of commitment is either occurring or in question. Look at the surrounding cards to determine what The Ring pertains to.
For example, next to The Man or The Woman, The Ring means either the man or woman is getting engaged/married or wants to be, depending on who the querent is, their question, and who they are attracted to. It could also mean someone who is married or engaged. It really depends on the question. If I had asked, “Is this person and I compatible?” and The Man shows up next to The Ring, it could definitely be a message of compatibility, as if to say the man in question is marriage material.
Yes, it could mean he is married, but taking into account the dynamic of the relationship and what you or I know about that other person, we could pull a clarifier to determine if he is in fact married if we needed to. But suppose I knew he wasn’t married for certain because he told me he wasn’t married and I believe him, then the message is that he is in fact husband/marriage material.
Intuitively reading The Ring as a single card answer:
Maybe you ask the deck a question and decide to only pull one card and The Ring comes up. What would the answer be, if you decide not to get any clarifiers? Look at the card and take in all of its elements. What are the colors popping out at you? What do you feel they mean? What feelings, thoughts, and emotions do the images give you? That is your answer. The card is showing you an answer based on where you are at right now in your life mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. You already know the answers, the cards just help you gain clarity on them.