Meaning: grace, highly intuitive, attuned, intuitive messages or nudges, spiritual gifts, prayer, connection with the Divine, spiritual protection, higher knowledge, subconscious, mystery, femininity, sensuality, need for groundedness or inner-reflection, spirituality, disconnection from intuition, not listening to gut-instincts, lack of awareness, rashness
The High Priestess (II) is the woman or man at home in their skin, restful in their soul and comfortable in their hearts. Always connected to the Divine except when they aren’t (reversed/dark aspect), they go where they feel called in complete Trust of the Great Mystery.
Sometimes The High Priestess can represent a person too, depending on the context of the reading. The High Priestess is a perfect balance of the masculine and feminine, good and evil, red and blue. This makes those who share the energies of this card very spiritual people who do not operate according to normal societal standards and prefer to be surrounded by nature or living with nature. These are the sensual, feminine women who follow their hearts and listen to their bodies–the women and men who retreat into solitude or the mountains to recharge. These are the men who are not afraid to be vulnerable to show their love and can be honest about their emotions without tip-toeing around them. These are the people who love deeply but are sometimes misunderstood. In the same regard, the High Priestess types often have experienced tough situations in their lives that they managed to rise up from.
“Don’t talk unless you can improve the silence.” -Jorge Luis Borges
The light aspect of The High Priestess is someone who is highly intuitive and knows the right path to take. This can be a question of whether or not you or the querant (person inquiring) are following your gut instincts, reminding you that you know the answer to the question you ask. In a love reading, it can signify a deep connection or the potential for one.
The shadow aspect might indicate that the querant is not trusting themselves and their own instincts. It can also mean negligence of one’s deeper truths and a diverging off path.
More about the Lovers Mythology Deck:
In The Lovers Mythology Deck’s version of The High Priestess, you will see two protector men representing Boaz and Joachim, with the priestess in prayer in the center. Traditionally, Boaz and Jachin represent a gate into the Mystery, akin to a highly attuned woman, her womb, and thus, Life. I have backstories and short stories for each card–The Lovers Mythology is in fact “A Story of Eternal Love Transcending Time and Space.” It will come out soon after the deck 🤗