4 The Emperor IV

Meaning: authority, assertiveness, father/father figure, masculine, confident, supportive, leader, dominant, strong, solidity, solidarity, structure, stability, duty, power, ambition, domineering, arrogance, helplessness, weakness, dependence

The Emperor (IV) in its light aspect is a positive, stable, strong male or masculine in your life. For some people, the Emperor will remind them of their fathers—loving, strong, supportive yet honest and strict when he needs to be. For others, not so much, but rather their ideal father figure.

The Emperor or The King’s job is to lead his people in the best direction not only for himself but for everyone in the kingdom. All great leaders are shepherds. In a wolf pack, for example, it has been said that the alpha leader of the pack walks alone behind the rest, not in the front, so that they can ensure that no one gets left behind and everyone is protected. The alpha sees all and decides the direction of the pack. The alpha is the Emperor, the Emperor is the alpha.

“Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be.” – Clementine Paddleford

“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

A man or masculine, say a politician or a ruler of a nation, who considers himself an “emperor” can only truly be one if he is willing to work for the people under him to see to it they are taken care of. This requires personal sacrifice. The alpha is willing to do what it takes to support those who rely on him/her and will often shoulder on other people’s dilemmas not because he is a pushover but because he knows he is capable and strong enough to and also because it is his duty. The leader of a nation might want to be the emperor but he is no true “emperor” if he is willing to profit on the backs of those under him without giving back through his leadership and shepherding.

The dark or shadow (reversed) aspect of The Emperor is essentially the opposite of what an ideal emperor/masculine would be. This could mean a wide variety of unfavorable or “toxic” qualities, which aren’t necessarily permanent and may as well be temporary since we all have our weaker moments.

Maybe you are doing a reading and The Emperor comes up in reverse. This could mean that you aren’t being assertive in something or maybe you are letting your insecurities get the best of you. This could also indicate for others, a male or masculine figure in one’s life that caused a lot of pain for them which they are still reeling from unconsciously. Again, the message always depends on the context, surrounding cards, the reader, and the querant (person inquiring.)

ex: The Emperor + The Tower = fear of losing control, fear of being “found out” and determined a fraud, fear of weakness or ruin, bad leadership, irresponsibility 

ex: The Emperor + The Empress = power couple, balanced masculine/feminine energies, good match, balanced relationship, compatibility, symbolizing a couple in querant’s life, querant’s parents or grandparents, mutual admiration and attraction