Meaning: strong desire, pleasure, hedonism, manipulation, fear, deceit, sin, evil, obsession, dependence, temptation, extremes, insecurity, unhealthy bonds, destructive behavior, and thinking, cruelty, addiction, control, abuse, narcissism
The Devil (XV) card represents the things in life that most people would consider ‘unhealthy’ or ‘taboo’ in some way. Things like obsessive thought, jealousy, deceit, mind-games, and more, fall under The Devil card. Whenever The Devil card comes up, it is a message that there is some bond between individuals or aspects in situations that may be detrimental and/or not associated with healthy emotions, such as love, joy, or faith.
“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” – Saint Augustine
For instance, when you or the querent is inquiring about a love situation and The Devil card comes up, it is likely saying that there are some negative associations in the relationship, either from both parties or from just one. These negative associations may mean that there is no real trust in the relationship, or perhaps someone in the relationship is playing games and being deceitful. It could also mean that the basis of the relationship is control and ultimately unhealthy. That said, just because a relationship is not perfect does not mean that anyone is evil or that there is no love there.
If you are not certain about what The Devil means in a reading, getting clarifying cards by drawing another card and placing it atop The Devil card or next to it, will further explain The Devil’s true role in the situation.