Meaning: justice, karma, security, equality, protection, court cases, litigation, contracts, law, law and order, commitments, getting what you deserve, the truth coming out, call for justice
Justice (XI) is a card of vindication, both literally and abstractly. It is a card of Karma. When the Justice card comes up, there is a sense of balancing that happens. What needs to be righted is. Wherever there is injustice, rest assured, the perpetrators will pay the consequences. It’s a message that says, God or the Universe, hears the prayers and cries of those in need and is not unnoticed.
If you are at fault for injustice, this card shows up to show you your own guilt. Justice can also show up when you are thinking of doing something you know is not right, in that case, it serves as a reminder of your morals and intensifies what your intuition is already saying. If an injustice has been done to you, trust that Law of Justice will handle it and that you are protected. In addition, this card could also come up when there is a need for justice surrounding you, one which you may be able to support or help with.
“The golden eye of justice sees, and requites the unjust man.” -Sophocles
“Law is not law, if it violates the principles of eternal justice.” -Lydia Maria Child
More about the deck and this Justice card:
In The Lomy Deck’s Justice card (the blurred preview), you will see a very worldly and practical depiction of what Justice is. There is a journalist, a lawyer, and law enforcement shown depicted on the card. This is because The Lovers Mythology Deck is not your regular tarot deck, it is a hybrid deck and has multiple layers you can gain insight from. As a reader, trust your gifts and intuition when it tells you whether the message you get from this card is about litigation, a real crime, or something more abstract like gossiping or betrayal. The surrounding cards will point the way to the essence of the Justice card if you’re unsure. Whatever the case, when this card comes up in a reading, know that the person in the right of the situation will get justice and the protection they need in due time.