How Accurate Can Tarot Be?

Negative comments and opinions on the things we do, unfortunately, have the most impact on us—and perpetrators of them aren’t always right either!

3 years ago I had a lot more viewers on my Youtube channel. I made ‘pick a card reading’ videos for the most part. If you’re here from my Youtube channel, you probably already know what pick-a-card readings are but on the off chance that you don’t, pick-a-card readings are general Tarot or oracle card readings that entail picking a stack of cards, number, image, or item and then fast forwarding to the part of the video where that specific reading/group begins. My most viewed pick-a-card reading has over 100,000 views and it still continues to get watched.

When I got hacked 2 years ago, the momentum of my views and Youtube channel took a drastic downturn. It took me months to get my account back and I had no means of updating or explaining to my loyal supporters what happened. To them, I simply disappeared off the face of the earth. The hackers began to post slime videos—really infantile content where for “ASMR”, they would poke colorful slime with their deplorable, unfair, thieving little fingers and turn up the volume for those who felt their anxiety disappear at the sound of squishing something gooey. I shudder at the thought of these ‘cutesy’ innocent types with ‘anxiety’ actually being capable of hijacking someone else’s fast-growing channel and the associated bank account—they aren’t doe-eyed socially awkward cartoon and video game lovers, they were monsters for what they’ve done to me and others. They were wolves in sheep’s clothing and the boy who cried wolf. Needless to say, people began to unfollow my channel; they didn’t recall subscribing to an anonymous slime channel (after all, my subscribers weren’t children, they were educated and successful adults from all over the world). I went from getting over 10k views on every video to getting an average of 500 views per video, other than the occasional hit.

I think that in addition to the effects on the Youtube algorithm a large loss of subscribers in a short amount of time incurred, my sudden cynical attitude towards making videos, humans, and the internet in general contributed to the slow growth and recuperation of my channel. I lost a lot of my genuine, passionate drive to make videos which really sucked because I love Youtube. The whole thing felt like a personal attack—like someone was jealous of my growth and wanted to knock me down a few notches—a sentiment I find utterly repugnant. Anybody who knocks someone down and steals what is rightfully theirs for themselves is a disgusting, weak, vile animal. I hope that the hacker and those who bought my account from them have suffered greatly and continue to for the amount of pain, insecurity, fear, and doubt they’ve sown in me. I’ve lost so much trust and hope in society since then. When some people can’t respect other people’s rights and privacy, protecting and loving them becomes futile. Suffice it to say, as much as I know resentment is not good for me, I will not back down from the stance that such people deserve the bad karma that is coming to them. I’ve changed so much (and not in a good way) from that event. The positive is, now at least, I understand what is required to defend from such… people.

Naturally, I had a lot of theories about who did it and why. I won’t get into it too much but one of my guesses was that some religious person who believed that tarot cards were evil because the Bible said something about divination not being good decided to punish me for doing it. I thought that because of the comments I would sometimes receive on these videos (the more attention and traction you gain the more of these gnats show up to feast on your juice).

Radically religious folks would say that the cards were the devil himself and that I was doing the devil’s deed by reading them and sharing it online—oddly enough they said all this on a video that encouraged viewers to release their doubts about following and trusting their heart’s calling. As I’m sitting there reading their claims, I’m laughing and thinking: “The devil” wants you to release any doubts in succeeding doing what makes you the happiest? One would think that it’s the devil that’s whispering in your ear saying that you won’t make it because you’re not good enough and that you suck so bad in virtually everything you should just suck pps for money instead, but apparently not—anything that contains something a radically religious person can’t, doesn’t, or refuses to understand is akin to the devil and practically the devil himself. Their hypocrisy was truly hilarious because they would comment such horrific things—”You’ll burn in hell! This is a lie and destructive and an illusion! You’re leading people to doom!”, they’ll write. Meanwhile, none of it were lies. Everything I’ve ever said in every one of these videos had been the truth but they simply did not understand how it worked.

And can we talk about what pastors say in church? Basically the same thing, except instead of tipping them through Paypal, tithings went into a hat or basket. The vibes were good in my comment section and they ruined it. What would Jesus do—radically religious people? Would Jesus damn someone for reading cards that encourage people to have faith, be strong, and persevere in a way they understand? For delivering the message of Christ, but in a different way? I doubt that. I know Jesus would speak out against the radically religious people instead actually. And there is plenty of proof for this—when Jesus spoke out against sacrifice, saying that it was pointless, for one. Jesus knows that it’s the big picture that matters, not nuances in doctrines. Did radical religious people think that if someone used tarot or oracle cards, they must also be sacrificing babies and chickens, smearing their blood over their naked bodies under the full moon? (Because I don’t do that.)

Such people are ignorant. Sorry, not sorry. They are as imperfect and criminal as the animals who hacked my account (often more). I’m bitter, but not really. I feel good because I know my truth. They don’t know what they are talking about because they can’t perceive it. They truly believe Jesus would damn everyone who reads tarot cards because they can’t comprehend that divination was a threat to the rulers and kings back then. They are ignorant lost souls and are threatened by people who aren’t as lost and confused as they are. There I said it.

“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you,” Jesus said. And in a lot of ways, tarot readings (mine at least) can bring one closer to the “Kingdom of Heaven”. But you have to gain an understanding of how these readings work first, which I’ll explain in a moment. The key is listening.

I have never pulled cards for myself that were wrong or inaccurate. Try it—if you have a deck, ask a question, knock on your deck, shuffle, and either manually pull a couple of cards or keep shuffling until the cards come out. The cards that come out will always have an answer for you. It may not answer your exact question, however. Instead, it may shed light on where you are coming from when you ask the question. Sometimes—okay, a lot of the times—the cards do in fact answer your exact question. It’s all about the interpretation! The LoMy Deck will make it easier for people to read not only for themselves but for others in this way. In the Ryder Waite, it can be more difficult as the images depicted really don’t resemble modern life or style which can make intuitive reading harder for some. In addition, the Lovers Mythology Deck is multi-dimensional, bridging the gap between the known and the unseen.

Look outside your window. The sky is… red, is it not? It isn’t? See, you know the truth. The sky is the color of the sky wherever you are. As long as you have your wits about you, nothing I say will change your truth. If you had told me the sky was red where I was, I’d know you’d be pulling my leg because I sure as hell know it’s blue. I see it. And nothing you or anyone tries to do to gaslight me can change that because I have the right to the truth and to express my truth. God gave me that right. Jesus, through his teachings, taught me to be proud and to fight for it. Radically religious people—I ask you—what percentage of the Bible did Jesus write? And did the Apostles all get along? Pretty sure Mary Magdalene’s take isn’t even in the Bible, probably because Peter didn’t like her being that she was a woman. This shows that Peter is human in the worst way—incapable of controlling his emotions to the point of undermining a key individual and part of Jesus’s life for his own selfish agenda. Is that the kind of person you are trying to emulate?

Tarot readings are a lot like me telling you the sky is red when it’s blue. It can also be me telling you that the sky is blue when it is but your glasses are fogged up or smeared with mud. I have never lied in a reading before. Everything I relay is exactly how I see it in the cards but in a general pick a card reading where you have hundreds and thousands of people reading the same one, not everything is going to be true for every single person who tunes in. For instance, if I say, “You are feeling disappointed about the outcome of the relationship hence why you are behaving this way”, and in your gut, you know your inquiry does in fact have to do with a relationship but you don’t resonate with the statement that you are behaving in such a way because you are disappointed about the outcome of the relationship, ask yourself how you can make that “general” reading accurate for you and your unique situation (i.e. you are disappointed in yourself hence why you are pushing your love interest away or your fear of rejection is causing you to put your walls up in this relationship because you don’t want to be disappointed). Tarot readings help us get to our truth but first, we have to respond. Don’t just take my word for it! RESPOND.

It’s like in any conversation. Imagine you’re having brunch with your best friend and he’s telling you that he thinks you’re depressed because your girlfriend treats you like shit and always emasculates and undermines you. You pause for a moment and motion pictures of you and your girlfriend in the kitchen two nights ago start playing in your mind—you’re fighting because she made you a chicken salad for dinner even though you requested a double-beef patty burger with 4 strips of bacon, hold the lettuce and tomato. She reminds you of the time you confided in her that you feel like you’re getting fat and you feel insecure in your body and she just wanted to help you eat better so you can reach your fitness goals and start feeling better about yourself. You tell her, annoyed, that you were going to start next week.

You look at your buddy. He’s waiting for your response. Do you, as an intelligent and self-aware person, agree with him or do you correct him and admit that you are depressed because you hate your job and you feel powerless and out of control so you overeat to cope which makes you feel even worse? Sure, maybe your girlfriend can be more sensitive to you or maybe you can get it in your head that no one has the power to make you feel a certain way unless you allow it. In other words, if you were self-aware, you’d know you need to take accountability for your life and your lifestyle choices. Understanding this, you tell your buddy, “No man, it’s not her it’s me. I’m unhappy with my life and my job and I eat too much unhealthy food that makes me feel like shit which makes me irritable and unable to relax around her because I don’t feel good enough for her.” Your buddy, in awe of your self-awareness, nods in understanding and firmly grips your shoulder in support of the long, arduous journey you are about to go on in order to change your life and improve your relationship with the love of your life, Jane.

This is you responding.

Respond to the cards and messages that come up when you do a reading for yourself using the Lovers Mythology Deck. Respond to the skilled tarot reader relaying timeless messages to thousands of people all at once and it will help you get closer to your inner voice and thus, your truth.

My readings and other readings that resonate with you can 100% improve your life and help you grow. You’d be surprised how much you can learn from a free tarot reading on YouTube, and how much it can really help you in improving your life. Always return the favor by liking, subscribing, sharing, and/or commenting to encourage and contribute to the flow of free energy by showing gratitude and appreciation. Magic is all around, but only if you pass it on x