Meaning: endings, death, new beginnings, transformation, transition, temporary sadness, change, releasing what is no longer necessary, coming into oneself, death of old self
Death (XIII) can seem like a scary card, I know. But, it actually doesn’t mean literal death, at least most of the time. You and I both know that death is real, and it’s going to happen to mortal beings like you and me when our time is up. But, it’s still a touchy topic. I get it.
I love the idea of comparing death to plants or flowers. At the end of its life cycle, when a plant or flower wilts, it simply goes back into the soil to nourish the plant or can degrade into a seed and germinate, creating new life. That is exactly what’s happening on some level when the Death card comes up. Whether it’s a friendship, a relationship, or a part of ourselves that has run its course, the change that comes of it, as hard as it seems in the beginning, always leads to where we are meant to be. The only constant in life is change.
“Endings are not always bad. Most times they’re just beginnings in disguise.” – Kim Harrison
“Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” – Rumi
ex: Death + The Lovers = fear of a relationship ending, changing something (behaviors, ideals, beliefs) in your life and bringing in a soul mate or new relationship because of it, changes in a relationship, reaching a new level in the love (depending on other surrounding cards)
How to read the Death card:
This definitely can be viewed as a sugar-coated version and depiction of the Death card that is found in the Ryder Waite Tarot.
There may be readings that you do where you really get a strong intuitive sense of someone’s recent, eventual, or future passing and/or the fears in relation to that. Read what you know. My advice in such a situation is to always follow and trust your gut, but do not ever think that if you get a thought of a loved one (either yours or the querent’s) it automatically means someone is going to die; you may just be tuning into the fear of that. In that case, you can say or ask if the querent is dealing with a sick loved one or is afraid of a loved one’s passing.
For example, I was doing a reading where I was getting a really strong sense of sick pet dog when a dog card showed up. I said, “you may be dealing with a death of a pet, or fear surrounding the health of a pet” and the querent confirmed that she was in fact afraid that her dog would die because her dog had been sick. That is an example of confirmation for both you and the querent that the rest of the cards can be read with more confidence in relation to their inquiries.
Although a reader can never twist fate for the querent, my advice is to never mention death if the reader senses such a loss and passing. If it comes up, I lead with the fear and instability that may surround such ideas instead. Because unless you are absolutely certain that sharing will save a life, you don’t want to create unnecessary fear or worry in anyone’s mind especially because the placebo effect is so powerful. I believe in God and that while humans have free will and the mental and spiritual capacity to somewhat know and bend it, ultimately, God and fate move in beautiful, mysterious ways. That said, don’t let my personal spiritual beliefs deter you from connecting with the deck if we don’t share the same beliefs. This deck seeks to be unbiased in most if not in all avenues, which you’ll hopefully get to witness soon! <3
More about the deck:
While this is a mild version of the Death card in the Ryder Waite Tarot, the reader can still read it the same if they so choose. Either way, other cards in the deck will give you insight on what sort of “death” or “transformation” it is really referring to. So if you are unsure, you can pull out another clarifying card. If the Coffin card comes up followed by The Lady, for example, and you had a feeling of that to begin with, there is your confirmation. The cards in combination with your intuition will help you traverse the reading with sensitivity, love, and authenticity. Trust yourself.