Category: The E-Guidebook
Contains all there is to know about the deck.
Light vs. Shadow
Light vs. Shadow Aspect
Each Tarot card can be read in its light or shadow aspect. Light just means the card takes on a positive meaning versus the shadow, which is more negative or “dark.” This is basically the same as the more common way to read a card’s positive and negative attributes: “upright” or “reversed,” but irrespective of the card being flipped upside down.
For example, when we persevere and can see the good things that came out of a bad situation, we are in the “light” aspect. When we let those bad situations, however, close us off or overcome us with fear, then, we are in the “shadow.”
Timing and Elements
Timing: Each card in the deck and in the Tarot could be read to interpret the timing of an event. Some readers or querents (person seeking), although not all, might ask questions about the future, for example. Each card that comes up will have different timing associations. Some might not have any at all. If that’s the case, it is simply a matter of uncertainty — perhaps it’s not the right question to be asking at the moment. In other words, don’t worry about it because whatever you are asking will come in perfect timing.
I don’t and never speak for all or any other readers other than myself, so this might not be something people do across the field, but I find that a reader can associate different timing on cards than what is commonly known. In other words, if they know how they feel about a certain card in relation to time, they can and do come up with their own way of reading which may differ from another or from the “official” astrological associations. You don’t have to play by a super strict set of rules when reading and using Tarot yourself, so don’t worry about learning every technicality and association and just have fun. Try it. Begin. Read more
0 The Fool
Meaning:Â new beginnings, the start of a journey, trust, adventure, leap of faith, recklessness, dangerous behaviors, risk
The Fool, the first card in the deck but number zero, is about new beginnings. Think of The Fool as the start of something possibly risky but exciting at the same time. This meaning can vary depending on the creator’s depiction of the particular card, but generally, most fool cards mean something similar. Read more
1 The Magician I
Meaning: Manifestation, creation, transmutation, resourcefulness, the four elements, alchemy, science, charm, trickery, manipulation, control
The Magician (I) is about creating the environment necessary for the manifestation of one’s desires. Practically speaking, “a magician” is the person who is, who can or who needs to create changes in either the mental, emotional, spiritual or physical realms in order to bring about auspicious outcomes. It conveys the message of having the ability to change something for the better–The Magician is empowering. It shows us that we have more than enough resources to do or get where we want. Read more
2 The High Priestess II
Meaning: grace, highly intuitive, attuned, intuitive messages or nudges, spiritual gifts, prayer, connection with the Divine, spiritual protection, higher knowledge, subconscious, mystery, femininity, sensuality, need for groundedness or inner-reflection, spirituality, disconnection from intuition, not listening to gut-instincts, lack of awareness, rashness
The High Priestess (II) is the woman or man at home in their skin, restful in their soul and comfortable in their hearts. Always connected to the Divine except when they aren’t (reversed/dark aspect), they go where they feel called in complete Trust of the Great Mystery. Read more
3 The Empress III
Meaning:Â love, abundance, motherhood, fertility, pregnancy, feminine energy, divine feminine, goddess archetype, nurturing, birth, maturity, beauty, true love, supportive women, unsupportive women, immaturity, unwanted pregnancy, unripe situations or ideas, parenting, overbearing
The Empress (III) in its light aspect, is very warm. It’s the rainy Sundays spent at home with the family drinking hot chocolate or eating freshly baked cookies while watching a movie or playing board games. The Empress is akin to the feeling you get when you’re wrapped in a thick fuzzy blanket on a chilly winter’s day or when a cute child rests their head and little hands on your chest and falls asleep. If a person brings up these feelings for us, we call it something like love or admiration. There is something so comforting about Empress energy no matter how it shows up in a reading. It’s a card of angelic and Divine support that will surely bring a smile to your face, especially during a particularly tough day. She is The High Priestess with child.
“There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise.” – W.E.B. Bois
“The true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.” -Audrey Hepburn Read more
4 The Emperor IV
Meaning: authority, assertiveness, father/father figure, masculine, confident, supportive, leader, dominant, strong, solidity, solidarity, structure, stability, duty, power, ambition, domineering, arrogance, helplessness, weakness, dependence
The Emperor (IV)Â in its light aspect is a positive, stable, strong male or masculine in your life. For some people, the Emperor will remind them of their fathers—loving, strong, supportive yet honest and strict when he needs to be. For others, not so much, but rather their ideal father figure.
5 The Hierophant V
Meaning:Â wisdom, elders, tradition, culture, guidance, counsel, religion, spirituality, spiritual leader, orthodox, dogma, rules, Sacred texts, higher knowledge, mastery, ancient, teacher, mentor, wise counsel, ethics, morality, marriage, commitment, rebellion, unwanted commitments, breaking or against the rules, hastiness, symptoms of youth, temporary
The Hierophant (V)Â represents any and all things orthodox and traditional, a lot of which are being challenged in today’s society, sometimes for good and other times… not so much. It is true that it seems nowadays some old ways of thinking seem to harm more than help, but it is also true that there are many positives and plenty of good reason in having tradition and heeding and revering teachings and advice from ancient pasts. Can you think of any? In a way, without it, we are trees without roots, ungrounded and floating in the air at the whims of every storm. Chaotic. Lost. Without direction.
“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” – Albert Einstein
6 The Lovers VI

Meaning:Â divine union, romantic love, attraction, sexual chemistry, soul mate, lover, choices, heart-centered decisions, alignment, misalignment, imbalance, disharmony, incompatibility (see Light vs. Shadow)
The Lovers (VI) is a card of romantic love. As we know, there are many different kinds of love: unconditional, parental, compassionate, platonic, religious, divine… friendly love. The Lovers encompasses romantic love which we may (or may not) have with a person we are sexually, emotionally, and spiritually attracted to. When we desire a person in all ways, when we want to be with them, when we want complete union with them… when we see them as potential lovers and marriage partners… we are in the space of The Lovers.
“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” -Dr. SeussÂ
7 The Chariot VII

Meaning: movement, motivation, courage, positive force creating forward movement, willpower, direction, action, a decision is made, momentum, drive, desire, recognition, success, victory, aggression, forcefulness, lack of direction, lack of self-control, fickleness
The Chariot (VII) energy is about wanting to move forward and being ready for what lies ahead. It takes courage and confidence to embark on a journey towards uncharted territory — and The Chariot has both. The power of will, drive, direction are amongst the key forces that move The Chariot forward. Whatever it is about, there lies desire, pulling it’s “wheels” onwards and fueling the engine. Read more