Bad News: The Deck Is Delayed Indefinitely

The deck is delayed indefinitely due to various reasons; philosophical, physical, temporal, and creative reasons. I’m being guided to hold off and gather more research.

When I first began this project, AI wasn’t even a huge thing yet. Nowadays, it’s everywhere and people use it all the time. How things have changed. AI can make convincing short films and really nice art. My deck will be entirely hand drawn and original, and I want to take the time, no matter how long it takes. But, more than that, I’ve grown closer to God and Christ and I want to heed the guidance received from God to ensure that I’m not doing this project and what it’s capable of a disservice. As a result, I will for the time being, dedicate this website to my research and online journal along the process. I hope to share my findings as well as my own thoughts about them, and document the process.

The Bible says using cards is wicked. I admit I was conflicted because I didn’t want to lead others down the wrong path — and I was open, like I’ve always been — to the truth. Was it wicked? Why would I want to continue doing something wicked and potentially lead people on the wrong path? I don’t. That was never my intention. I also never bought that sentiment, and I still haven’t to this day. It just doesn’t ring true. So, I’m asking God for permission. God wouldn’t put this idea inside of my head and my heart for no reason. God wouldn’t bestow these talents to me for no reason. I believe wholeheartedly that a deck of cards like the LoMy deck could and will come from our loving, all knowing Creator. That said, I just want to get God’s confirmation first.

I also don’t have as much time as I did when I first embarked on this project. My energies are being pulled to other projects and I have to believe there’s good reason for that. Everything will happen in due timing. Still, I’m sad and uncertain. What if, it never gets completed? We do make time for the things that are important.

I’m dealing with some health issues, as well. My c-spine is currently healing and in recovery from an accident in my past. It caused me to experience fatigue and painful headaches. Even if I wanted to work on the project, it just felt impossible.

I think about the characters in the deck, whom one day I will get to formally introduce to you. In them, I hope you find glimmers of yourself. You inspired them. Or at least one of them. They’re waiting to be born!

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel immense pressure to ensure their safe and secure birth. I’m scared to talk about them now. But with God’s protection and guidance, with Christ’s unconditional love for you and I, with the Universe’s blessing, it’s more than possible — it’s inevitable. And I want to do right by it.

These characters… how they’re capable of so much love and humanity. So much truth! So much of what they’re able to say, you and I have been wanting to. No one has been able to understand us prior. These characters will help us tell our stories. We will no longer be alone. In them, and in me, you will have a true friend who will understand your heart and the core of who you are and accept you wholly.

I can’t wait for you to meet them.

They cannot wait to meet you.




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