Good News: ‘The Lovers Mythology Deck’ Will Be Available This 2024!

The Lovers’ Mythology Deck is almost here! Due to unforeseen events, the deck’s release has been pushed back to sometime in 2024. Check News and Updates for more information about the deck’s release and development. If you want to get notified every time there is an update, subscribe to newsletters here.

What is the Lovers Mythology Deck anyway? What makes it special? What is the story behind it? What is it used for? How? Why did I create it?

The LOMY Deck is not just a Tarot card deck. It is also not a complete Tarot deck. The LOMY deck is a mixture of Tarot, Oracle and Lenormand cards.

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Delays: When It’s Just Not Time Yet

The Lomy Deck was supposed to be completed in 2022. Then, things happened. I felt so frustrated because I announced it to everyone. I had a schedule made to meet the deadline and I was following it, until, life happened. I ran out of savings and I needed to end my extended vacation and go back to work and put my dream of bringing this deck and story to life on pause.

Suffice it to say, I learned some things. One: Don’t announce something until it’s completed. Two: Life will happen, so be prepared to be flexible and make adjustments. Three: Plans don’t always pan out like we intend them to and important, sacred things need not be rushed.

One: It’s too late, I already announced it. I can’t go back and unannounce something I said I was going to do. That would not only be quitting but it would also be an indication (to you) that my word means near to nil. But what I could do is be honest about the delay and the reason why.

If you’ve been paying attention you know I’ve been pushing the release of the deck back. It’s simply not done. I haven’t had time to delve into as much as I wanted and surprise, creativity sometimes decides to hide and go on vacations too. My creativity decided to do just that. I will say that my going back to work had a lot to do with my creativity’s decision to leave for a little while; I was just so overwhelmed with the right-brained side of life that it got jealous and decided to take some time away for itself.

Two: Life happened and it called on me to adjust. I’ve come to accept that the completion of the Lomy Deck rests not only in my hands but in Divine Timing. I believe there’s a reason why this project was put on the back burner and that in time, it will call on me again to finally bring it to fruition. I had to deal with problems in my relationships and the demons that arose from it, and I know that the time will come to use those experiences and tribulations to truly make this deck and story what I always believed it could and would be.

Three: I’m not going to rush it. Every time I make and design a card in the deck, it feels like giving birth. The gestation for the current card I’m working on just happens to be longer than anticipated. I’m pregnant (not literally but metaphorically) and I’m due to give birth soon. Please be patient with me! It’s coming, and I know you’ll love it. I hope that when it’s in your hands, it will be for a long time and that you get to share it with the little ones you love.

Great Love That Almost Was: When Is It Time To Walk Away?

When you’re someone who believes in love and its power, walking away can be extremely hard, even when the relationship is doing more harm than good. If “love” is supposed to be “unconditional”, and if you want to be someone who loves unconditionally, then you’re expected to give this person the benefit of the doubt, be supportive, and most importantly, be patient and understanding even when things seem unfair. But where is the line between being a good partner (and human) and being a pushover who keeps getting taken advantage of? I can’t seem to find a clear distinction. What I do know is that the line is real, it exists, and it does not make anyone who decides that they are not okay with it being crossed a bad person or a quitter, nor does it mean that they never loved or gave it their all. Moreover, it does not make them wrong. Read more

How Accurate Can Tarot Be?

Negative comments and opinions on the things we do, unfortunately, have the most impact on us—and perpetrators of them aren’t always right either!

3 years ago I had a lot more viewers on my Youtube channel. I made ‘pick a card reading’ videos for the most part. If you’re here from my Youtube channel, you probably already know what pick-a-card readings are but on the off chance that you don’t, pick-a-card readings are general Tarot or oracle card readings that entail picking a stack of cards, number, image, or item and then fast forwarding to the part of the video where that specific reading/group begins. My most viewed pick-a-card reading has over 100,000 views and it still continues to get watched. Read more

Scary Tarot Cards

Yes, there are “scary” cards in the Tarot; cards and concepts which will definitely be included in The Lovers Mythology Deck.

The Devil, Death, The Tower… these are some of the most “negative” cards in the Tarot. Not only are their names scary, but sometimes, their meanings can be as well. Let’s ease those fears:

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The “For Better Sex” Exercise


It starts with a K and ends with an S. Can you guess what it is?


Kisses too, but we’re talking about Kegels today. But yes, kiss the one you love. Kiss them every day, multiple times a day. ON THE LIPS. According to scientific research (read the article here)… kissing your partner regularly helps you bond, and strengthens your relationship. If you are in a relationship right now and your partner is close, after you read my article, go and kiss them. For fun! And also because you love them.

If you are single, remember this fact so you can use it for when you’re not single and in the meantime, kiss yourself. Kiss your arm, kiss your hand, or just give yourself a mental kiss. Why should we be ashamed of giving ourselves some love? Don’t be. It is totally normal.

Pelvic floor muscle exercises were first defined by an American gynecologist named Dr. Arnold H. Kegel. Read more

Light vs. Shadow

Light vs. Shadow Aspect

Each Tarot card can be read in its light or shadow aspect. Light just means the card takes on a positive meaning versus the shadow, which is more negative or “dark.” This is basically the same as the more common way to read a card’s positive and negative attributes: “upright” or “reversed,” but irrespective of the card being flipped upside down.

For example, when we persevere and can see the good things that came out of a bad situation, we are in the “light” aspect. When we let those bad situations, however, close us off or overcome us with fear, then, we are in the “shadow.”

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Timing and Elements

Timing: Each card in the deck and in the Tarot could be read to interpret the timing of an event. Some readers or querents (person seeking), although not all, might ask questions about the future, for example. Each card that comes up will have different timing associations. Some might not have any at all. If that’s the case, it is simply a matter of uncertainty — perhaps it’s not the right question to be asking at the moment. In other words, don’t worry about it because whatever you are asking will come in perfect timing.

I don’t and never speak for all or any other readers other than myself, so this might not be something people do across the field, but I find that a reader can associate different timing on cards than what is commonly known. In other words, if they know how they feel about a certain card in relation to time, they can and do come up with their own way of reading which may differ from another or from the “official” astrological associations. You don’t have to play by a super strict set of rules when reading and using Tarot yourself, so don’t worry about learning every technicality and association and just have fun. Try it. Begin. Read more